My top 10 - NES villains

So here we are, after a long break due to an increased amount of interest to actually do well in my studies this year.
Sad to say I have been losing my touch over the last few weeks so it is time to get into writing things for fun again, therefore I present to you my top ten of NES villains.

10. Ganon
Ganon is the powerhungry evil maniac who is chasing after the triforce in order to bestow the world in darkness. While his name has changed over his generation of apperances in the various Zelda games his ultimate goal has not, Ganon is a great figure for evilness and is today known by almost everyone, albeit his name has been bastarded into ganondorf in the latter games. Ganons first apperance on the NES was in the game 'The Legend of Zelda'.

9. Shredder
The classic turtles villain, everyone knows him and everyone loves to hate him. Being first present in Turtles as the final boss and later on in turtles 2 as the not so final boss.

8. Gradius Final Boss
There really is not a lot to say about this one, despite being a bit of a gradius fan I have never seen him and probably never will seeing as I find it close to impossible to reach him. Although rumor is he is one of the easiest bosses ever.

7. Mr. Dream (Mike Tyson)
The nemesis of everyone who has ever played 'Punch Out!' or 'Mike Tyson's Punch out!' for the NES. In the schoolyard you were something of an authority if you had actually kicked Mr. Dreams ass.

6. Dracula
We know him as a bloodsucking vampire, with a weakness to holy stuff and garlic. And that is also what he is in Castlevania, the legendary NES game which has followed us all the way to present day.

5. Super Drunk
The last boss... kind of, in Bubble Bobble, a big fat and annoying badie which will go down with a lot of luck or some intelligence and skill. In my youth when luck was a lot easier to get than skill and intelligence I did beat my head bloody against this one from time to time.

4. Goomba
Unlike the other 'people' we will find on this list the goomba is not a boss. It is not even hard to beat. It is just very very numerous and annoying. First seen on the NES in Super Mario Bros. He is the first creature encountered and if you feel like you have played SMB a lot of times and wants to rush through the levels, you will know that if you do not take the first one just right, the second one will kill you :)

3. Motherbrain
A legend and hatred for many a NES gamer. After withstanding the excrutiating mazes of Metroid you will finally meet with the motherbrain.

2. Koopa
Yes I know, two monsters from the same game? I do not care, due to SMB's one hit kill policy I believe almost all the villains are worth mentioning. Koopa is the boss you encounter last in all the castles in SMB and while he is farily easy to beat his ability to reincarnate makes him somewhat annoying.

1. Dr. Wily
Yes, I know, those of you who know me will also know how much I worship megaman. But bear with me, look at this guys brilliance? He built robots capable of doing almost anything. He is also a worthy adversary at the end of each Megaman Game. And this is why Dr. Wily deserves the number one position on the NES top 10 Villains list.


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