Doom 2 - Review

Title: Doom 2:Hell on Earth
Genre: First Person Shooter (FPS)
Platform: PC
Maker: id Software
My Grade: 3/5

Produced in 1994 Doom was one of the first in its genre (yes 3D was something awesomely cool back then, damn im old...)
With todays standards we would say that the graphics are horrible, the controlsystem even worse and the game not even worth mentioning. But back then....

The first doom game is ,just like the more recently produced movie "doom", played on a colony on Mars. The storyline is also kind of like the movie. There is no virus discovered by some crazy scientists. There are scientists but they are working on occult experiments. Something goes wrong and zombies, demons and worse spawns and guess who needs to exterminate them and close the gate to hell?. So you managed, guess what happens in Doom 2?

Back in the days when Doom was played on a 50Mhz computer and an integrated Graphics card with some kind of 1GB disk space and god only knew what RAM was, I had never even heard of "strafeing". You played doom with one hand on the arrow keys (not the mouse) and the other hand on ctrl (for shoot) then on the numbers for the weapons. I actually tried to go play doom not long ago and realised that the custom settings were quite impossible to play with, I needed strafe, mouse turning and a wasd setup.

The levels in doom are quite numerous and sometimes a bit tricky, the further along you venture the longer the levels and the more monsters to kill, such a classic way of setting up a game. The levels also tended to be quite dark and slightly scary with some mazes around where you couldnt see around the next corner....

.... not that you actually needed to, the sound effects alone almost made me piss myself, the music is brilliant with an awesome sense of both dread and hardcore violence. You really do get pumped up from it. Furthermore the sound effects from the monsters are what makes this game scary for real. Imagine being in a badly lit up corridor that seems to have a few too many nooks and turns with dark corners and hear monster sounds as if they were coming from right behind you. Usually when you turn around there really isnt anything there, but sometimes you fly off the chair as you realise there is a pink fucking demon gnawing your flesh off! (sorry for swears).

What I think:
The grade is fair I think, doom really was the first FPS I played (did play Wolfenstein 3D but not till years after) and it was a completely new experience, an experience I may not have enjoyed at all times (never been much of an FPS-gamer). I actually did think the game was scary and more often than not I fantasised about monsters jumping out behind a corner when walking home from a friend or something. (Don't laugh, I was roughly 8 years old when I played Doom). It is a very straight-forward classic FPS with a bit of a trick to it since you have to find keys and such to progress levels etc, you can also run out of ammo etc. (no ammo = Knuckleduster time, its got spikes on it!! :D )

The only cheatcode I remember is "idclip" and I cant even remember what it does, I guess unlimited ammo or something.

That's all folk's. 

Silver - Review

Title: Silver
Genre: Adventure (some would say RPG, I don't)
Platform: PC
Maker: Spiral House (Published by Atari)
Players: 1
My Grade: 3/5

So we dig deeper into the world of PC-games, it is quite apparent that I did swap consoles for PC's a long time ago. Saying that, I still had plenty of friends with various consoles so the nostalgic console game reviews are not over.

I played Silver for the first time a long long time ago, probably close to its release date, I liked it a lot, and yes, I did get addicted to it for a while. But only till I completed it :D

You are a teenager(young man) whose life is turned upside down when your wife(girlfriend?) is kidnapped along with other women by the evil emperor who is looking for a new wife/concubine something something. Naturally you decide to go after her to slay the malicious kidnapper and rescue your precious little lassie. On your journey you have a veteran of a grandfather giving you advice and training throughout the game.

Game Play:
I really really like the controls of Silver, your combat moves are based on holding a key on either the keyboard or the mouse and then moving the mouse in certain directions. There is something very appealing in a simple game control that is still very very versatile. Throughout the game you will gather new weapons and also magics plus some certain magical Items. There really isnt a lot to say about the weaponry, there's a certain number of weapons and a certain number of magics, the adventure is designed so that you are "supposed" to find everything by completion of the game. Silver is a third person, bird view, 3D adventure game. There are also some puzzle elements to the game, not as advanced as Monkey Island but still a nice break from the normal Fighting - Running routine.

What I think:
Silver is a very appealing game both by the simple yet intruiging story-line and the "quick-to-master" combat control system. It is challenging but you still do not die very often making it slightly adrenaline pumping yet not frustrating at all. One thing that IS frustrating though is the incredible amount of bugs in the released game. Mind you, this was when online updates werent common at all and if there were any they werent large. Back then you were used to games without bugs so it was extremely annoying when you got stuck at some place because a mob wouldnt spawn or it would die without triggering the next event and stuff like that. This game would have easily deserved a 4 and possibly even a 5 if it had been perfect. Still it is definately worth playing through.

Now..... DotA time :D

Baldurs Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn - Review

Title: Baldurs Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn
Genre: RPG
Platoform: PC (there are some conversions to consoles but not of this exact game)
Maker: Bioware
Players: Up to 6
My Grade: 4/5

It is time to leave the NES for a while and jump into something slightly more modern. I started playing BG2 in my early teens and basically got hooked at once. This was the first D&D based RPG I played and is also why I fell in love with this particular genre. Through the years I have spent way too much time on this game, it is one of the few games that beats my in-game time spent in WoW.

Baldurs Gate 2 is basically a continuation on Baldurs Gate 1, the story still surrounds the fact that you are a child of baal and some very powerful people take a very keen interest in your progress in this world. There is so much more to say about the story but there really is no good way of telling it without creating massive spoilers (sorry).
What I can tell you is that you start the game in a dungeon... :P

Game Play:
This is a real RPG (not fake like final fantasy and shit like that) which means the features of the game are very numerous. There is of course the mandatory character creation where you can choose between a number of races and then a number of classes including most things from Dungeons & Dragons. Since this game is based on Dungeons & Dragons it also has the features of being played in a "turn-based" environment. Time is measured in turns and you can pause at any time throughout the game in order to be able to choose movement, attacks, spells etc in your own time.
combat things such as Damage, Hit and Saves are rolled by Die (amazing feature is that you can actually turn on the dice rolls and see them in the combat log window, very cool and useful).

If you have never heard of Dungeons & Dragons there is only one thing to do to enable you to understand the combat system, just play the game, it is way too advanced to be explainable in a few lines. (Have you seen the actual rule book for D&D? massive mate... massive...) Thankfully, BG2 is easy to learn, just incredibly hard to explain.

When it comes to the freedom of the game I believe it is very free, you can not go anywhere you want, but you can do anything you want where you are. However you will also have to deal with the consequnces. Basically everthing in BG2 is based around you taking missions for various people and collecting either gold (you need gold in order to progress in some parts) or Items that may be needed for other reasons to progress in the game. But yeah, missions will take you all over the world and is the way to discover new areas, new areas may also bring even more missions. I have played through this game maybe 6-7 times and I doubt I have done them all.

What I think:
As I said, I am very much in love with the Genre and if I hadnt already given a five this week there would have been a 5 in store for this game. With the incredible amount of missions and the various ways of building, first your own character and then developing the entire party it makes for a very very varied game. Basically every time you play it you will have a different experience which is exactly what is missing in new games.

 (Yeah im gonna kick new games in the nuts now) New games tend to have a ridiculous price tag, and be stupidly short making them extremely useless on a long term basis. This is not the case with BG2, as I said I have been playing it on and off for probably 6-8 years. And the last time I bought it (yeah I tend to lose discs) I got BG1 + Expansion and BG2 + Expansion for just 99 SEK (thats less than £9).

Thats it, time to go in-game and play my sorcerer for a few hours.

Gradius - Review

Title: Gradius
Genre: 2D Action
Platform: NES (originally)
Maker: Konami
Players: 1 - 2 (individually)
My Grade:

Gradius and I had a very deep love-hate relationship, I loved the first two levels because they were easy and you could basically gather weapons rendering you almost invulnerable... unless you fly into something...

The first gradius game was apparently an arcade game, I played the first console version of it on the NES, one of the few games we actually owned. (yes game cartridges were seen as being ridiculously pricey). I never ever ever read the in-game story and I'm not even sure there is one.

You fly a space.. it can move in all 2d directions...

ok, it's not quite that simple. (even though it looks like it on the first part of the first level)
We have already established that you can move, there are of course enemies in various shapes with a whole bunch of different movement patterns. When you kill enemies you gather points, probably a remnant from its Arcade era because they are useless for everything unless you like to sit with a pen and paper and record your score. Certain enemies (or if you kill a cluster of the same kind of enemy) will give you power-ups. The power ups can be used to select various upgrades for your ship. there are 6 different upgrades:

Speed Up - costs 1 power and can be selected multiple times for increased speed.
Missile - costs 2 power, it enables your ship to shoot missiles towards the ground when you shoot your normal weapon.
Double - costs 3 power, Gives you normal shots in a straight line and slightly upwards, overwrites laser.
Laser - costs 4 power, Gives you laser that shoots straight forward, this is incredibly powerful, it also continues through enemies when they die. overwrites Double.
Option - costs 5 power. Option gives you a sort of wingman that shoots when you shoot, it travels in your path so with a bit of practice you can position it as you want. The wingman is an exact copy of you when it comes to weapons. Option can also be selected twice (Imagine three lines of lasers... *drool*)
"?" - costs 6 power, the "?" is not called "?" in the later games, there it is known as "shield" which is precisely what it does in this game as well. 

What I think:
As I said above, Gradius and I have a love-hate relationship. The first levels are relatively easy and you can pretty much gather every weapon you want, after that, you are pretty much invulnerable to enemies. But the issue is that you tend to run into walls a lot more than getting shot at by enemies. And the reason I hate this game is... when you die, you lose ALL your weapons. This is the single most annoying feature of this game, I could have accepted losing one, two or maybe three powers (like the laser, missiles and an "option") but all of them ? I just spend an hour carefully navigating these "easy" levels to stand a chance against the later levels... but no... one crash and you may as well start over from the beginning.

Gradius still deserves a 2 though because it IS a good game, and I'm sure players who are way better than me likes it a lot more (since they either don't need the weapons, or they simply never crash). Gradius is also a very nice looking game, with varied obstacles and a creative way of coming up with challenges.

Super Mario Bros. - Review

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Genre: 2D Platform
Platform: NES, GBA, Wii-emulator
Maker: Nintendo
Players: 1-2
My Grade: 3/5                                                                                                                         

It is time to dig into something so classic that I myself feel unworthy of giving it a review that explains how legendary this game is. I will of course give it a try anyway.

When the Italian plumber Mario realises that his Princess has been taken by Koopa (I think he was called that back then) he runs to the rescue. Simple as that.

While this is one of the earliest games for the NES it really sets the type for what future games would try to replicate. Super Mario Bros. was also the most common game to be included when buying the Console itself. As it says above Super Mario is a platform game of its most basic kind, it features various interactable items. The most basic Item is the brick, often found floating in the air you can break it by jumping into it from beneath (yes that does mean head first). Note however that you can only break them while being large from a mushroom or having the Fire Flower. The second most basic item is the (?) brick which can give you anything from coins to stars of invulnerability. There are also pipes, some of which you are able to enter thus transporting you to a different place or area.

Super Mario Bros features 3 different powerups available to you throughout the game.
1. The mushroom makes you grow big therefore enabling you to crush bricks, you also take two hits from enemies before you die.
2. The Fire Flower is only available when you are big or already under the effect of a fireflower, it enables you to shoot balls of fire.
3. The invulnerability star makes you invulnerable for a short period of time, this means you do not take damage from enemies and can knock them out through just running over them. word of advice while under the effects of a star: Don't get drunk with power, you can still fall into a pit and die (happens to me all the time).

There are also various enemies and other kinds of obstacles you need to get through in order to rescue the princess. The game features 8 levels with 10 parts to each level, most of them are varied and challenging.

What I think:

Basically, this was the first game I ever played for the NES, it has given us a lot of great times both individually and in some aspects family-wise as well. I used to love to watch my dad play it and kind of move the controllers instead of the control pad when he was about to fall down into a pit or got caught in a tight spot. Hilarious.

Anyway, the game IS challenging and the levels are varied in a number of ways, however after playing it over and over again it does get slightly boring. One huge contributor to this is the lack of a password system which could have enabled you to continue where you left off. This was very frustrating when you have limited game time and especially with multiple players wanting to start from the beginning all the time.

Finally I would like to say that this game deserves a good mark simply because it was such a revolutionary Idea, this is the game that plowed the field for a generation of sequels, I mean, everyone has heard of Super Mario, right?

Megaman 2 - Review

Title: Megaman 2
Genre: Platform/Action
Platform: NES / Wii-emulator
Maker: Capcom
Players: 1
My grade: 5/5

Megaman 2 is one of the first games I ever fell in love with. Despite having a NES when I was younger I haven't actually owned it until recently when I bought my Wii and downloaded it. Regardless, my friends did stand fast to lend me their game once in a while, I guess this could have contributed to me never being able to play my interest in it to pieces.

Basically the story is the classic good guy vs. bad guy. The good guy is Dr. Light who built you (megaman) and is seen throughout the game when you complete certain bosses. He will then "equip" you with certain new abilities.

The evil one is called Dr.Wily and is the man behind constructing the 8 master robots to aid him in taking over the world. you will have to beat these robots in order to get a shot at the evil genius himself.

This is where you choose your opponent

Thats basically it for the story of the game, nothing complex just pure awesomeness.

In the true spirit of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Megaman is a platform game where you can Jump, Shoot, move forwards and backwards, climb ladders and ride on some moving objects. Nothing fancy.

Each of the 8 master robots has a theme-friendy course which at the end will lead you to the boss himself. Example Metalman has a factory, Heat man an underground complex filled with Lava and Bubbleman's course is partly under water. These courses also consists of theme correct monsters, (metalman has rolling gears, bubbleman Fish etc etc).
This theme naturally affects the bosses weapons as well, Quick man is fast and hard to hit, Bubbleman shoots Bubbles and Woodman shoots Leaves... Surprise.

After beating a Master robot you also absorb his powers which in the end will lead to you having besides your normal weapon, an arsenal consisting of 8 weapons with various abilities and 3 of what I like to call "support" powers which will aid you in a number of ways if you know how to use the correctly.

What I think:
As you may have already guessed, I love this game so much it borders on being too much, and I will now tell you why.
The game can be challenging, nowadays I can complete the 8 master robots in well under an hour, which was pretty much impossible the first few times I tried it. The game can be very "easy" if you take advantage of the powers you gain through beating the master robots, you can also insist on completing it with the standard cannon which makes it harder but far from impossible. In that case you have to rely more on movement and being able to anticipate the bosses moves.

Aside from the difficulty of the game I also love the layout, the courses are interesting and challenging in themselves without being too hard, easy, long or short. The fact that every course has its own theme is also a clever thing made by Capcom, it keeps things from being boring and repetitive, I mean who would want to see that same insanely hard crazy thing again after completing it with the adrenaline pumping through your veins... (yes I am thinking of Quick Mans insanely annoying course).

Thirdly something that makes me love all NES games, the music.

The music in megaman 2 is fantastic just as most music to NES games are. I even now find myself just standing completely still just before entering the boss room on Woodmans course just listening to the tunes.

and thats it for my first Review of my favourite NES-game.


Ok here we go, I have been writing a few pages now on my regular blog (the swedish one) about how I get on with my training, it is mainly used for my own purposes as a sort of logbook but also as a kind of carrot to keep working.

It has worked well so far but I can not imagine it being very interesting for anyone but me to read through.

So my new plan is to start reviewing something that has become a kind of passion for me.

Namely: Games

Thats it for the introduction and I hope if anyone ever reads this they might find this new turn of events slightly more interesting.

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