Doom 2 - Review

Title: Doom 2:Hell on Earth
Genre: First Person Shooter (FPS)
Platform: PC
Maker: id Software
My Grade: 3/5

Produced in 1994 Doom was one of the first in its genre (yes 3D was something awesomely cool back then, damn im old...)
With todays standards we would say that the graphics are horrible, the controlsystem even worse and the game not even worth mentioning. But back then....

The first doom game is ,just like the more recently produced movie "doom", played on a colony on Mars. The storyline is also kind of like the movie. There is no virus discovered by some crazy scientists. There are scientists but they are working on occult experiments. Something goes wrong and zombies, demons and worse spawns and guess who needs to exterminate them and close the gate to hell?. So you managed, guess what happens in Doom 2?

Back in the days when Doom was played on a 50Mhz computer and an integrated Graphics card with some kind of 1GB disk space and god only knew what RAM was, I had never even heard of "strafeing". You played doom with one hand on the arrow keys (not the mouse) and the other hand on ctrl (for shoot) then on the numbers for the weapons. I actually tried to go play doom not long ago and realised that the custom settings were quite impossible to play with, I needed strafe, mouse turning and a wasd setup.

The levels in doom are quite numerous and sometimes a bit tricky, the further along you venture the longer the levels and the more monsters to kill, such a classic way of setting up a game. The levels also tended to be quite dark and slightly scary with some mazes around where you couldnt see around the next corner....

.... not that you actually needed to, the sound effects alone almost made me piss myself, the music is brilliant with an awesome sense of both dread and hardcore violence. You really do get pumped up from it. Furthermore the sound effects from the monsters are what makes this game scary for real. Imagine being in a badly lit up corridor that seems to have a few too many nooks and turns with dark corners and hear monster sounds as if they were coming from right behind you. Usually when you turn around there really isnt anything there, but sometimes you fly off the chair as you realise there is a pink fucking demon gnawing your flesh off! (sorry for swears).

What I think:
The grade is fair I think, doom really was the first FPS I played (did play Wolfenstein 3D but not till years after) and it was a completely new experience, an experience I may not have enjoyed at all times (never been much of an FPS-gamer). I actually did think the game was scary and more often than not I fantasised about monsters jumping out behind a corner when walking home from a friend or something. (Don't laugh, I was roughly 8 years old when I played Doom). It is a very straight-forward classic FPS with a bit of a trick to it since you have to find keys and such to progress levels etc, you can also run out of ammo etc. (no ammo = Knuckleduster time, its got spikes on it!! :D )

The only cheatcode I remember is "idclip" and I cant even remember what it does, I guess unlimited ammo or something.

That's all folk's. 


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