Megaman 2 - Review

Title: Megaman 2
Genre: Platform/Action
Platform: NES / Wii-emulator
Maker: Capcom
Players: 1
My grade: 5/5

Megaman 2 is one of the first games I ever fell in love with. Despite having a NES when I was younger I haven't actually owned it until recently when I bought my Wii and downloaded it. Regardless, my friends did stand fast to lend me their game once in a while, I guess this could have contributed to me never being able to play my interest in it to pieces.

Basically the story is the classic good guy vs. bad guy. The good guy is Dr. Light who built you (megaman) and is seen throughout the game when you complete certain bosses. He will then "equip" you with certain new abilities.

The evil one is called Dr.Wily and is the man behind constructing the 8 master robots to aid him in taking over the world. you will have to beat these robots in order to get a shot at the evil genius himself.

This is where you choose your opponent

Thats basically it for the story of the game, nothing complex just pure awesomeness.

In the true spirit of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Megaman is a platform game where you can Jump, Shoot, move forwards and backwards, climb ladders and ride on some moving objects. Nothing fancy.

Each of the 8 master robots has a theme-friendy course which at the end will lead you to the boss himself. Example Metalman has a factory, Heat man an underground complex filled with Lava and Bubbleman's course is partly under water. These courses also consists of theme correct monsters, (metalman has rolling gears, bubbleman Fish etc etc).
This theme naturally affects the bosses weapons as well, Quick man is fast and hard to hit, Bubbleman shoots Bubbles and Woodman shoots Leaves... Surprise.

After beating a Master robot you also absorb his powers which in the end will lead to you having besides your normal weapon, an arsenal consisting of 8 weapons with various abilities and 3 of what I like to call "support" powers which will aid you in a number of ways if you know how to use the correctly.

What I think:
As you may have already guessed, I love this game so much it borders on being too much, and I will now tell you why.
The game can be challenging, nowadays I can complete the 8 master robots in well under an hour, which was pretty much impossible the first few times I tried it. The game can be very "easy" if you take advantage of the powers you gain through beating the master robots, you can also insist on completing it with the standard cannon which makes it harder but far from impossible. In that case you have to rely more on movement and being able to anticipate the bosses moves.

Aside from the difficulty of the game I also love the layout, the courses are interesting and challenging in themselves without being too hard, easy, long or short. The fact that every course has its own theme is also a clever thing made by Capcom, it keeps things from being boring and repetitive, I mean who would want to see that same insanely hard crazy thing again after completing it with the adrenaline pumping through your veins... (yes I am thinking of Quick Mans insanely annoying course).

Thirdly something that makes me love all NES games, the music.

The music in megaman 2 is fantastic just as most music to NES games are. I even now find myself just standing completely still just before entering the boss room on Woodmans course just listening to the tunes.

and thats it for my first Review of my favourite NES-game.


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